Woot for sick day hoods. That's actually my school PE pullover hoodie that I converted into a The Exploited zip up hoodie with an old zip, an overpriced backpatch, and lots of shitty handsewing.
Non stupid face picture:
And my hoodie:
Guh it's fucking oversized. I hate it. Yeah, I know, weird, I wear tight shit now. I left my last baggy shirt that I actually wore (my DARE shirt that I got last winter) at the Tsquare skate park when I was there with some friends bout two weeks ago *sobs* RIP, DARE shirt. That shirt was the best oxymoron ever... Sigh ;D
I should get a pic of my other patched up hoodie. But I can't right now, my mother took it away and threatened to throw it away because I put a patch (hand-drawn, like 90% of the patches I own, might I add) on it that said "Kill Scene Kids" with a picture of some scene girl and a big fat X drawn through her face. IT WAS SICK I LOVED IT AND I BET EVERYONE ELSE WILL TOO AND I CAN'T WAIT TA SHOW IT OFF. But I don't have my hoodie right now, so boo-hoo.
Hope some muthafuckas start commenting on this shit soon :P
I have the exact same exploited patch behind my own leather jacket.